

Install the latest stable version from PyPi:

$ pip install --upgrade aiobravado

Your first Hello World! (or Hello Pet)

Here is a simple example to try from a REPL (like IPython):

from aiobravado.client import SwaggerClient

client = await SwaggerClient.from_url("http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json")
pet = await client.pet.getPetById(petId=42).result()

If you were lucky, and pet Id with 42 was present, you will get back a result. It will be a dynamically created instance of aiobravado.model.Pet with attributes category, etc. You can even try pet.category.id or pet.tags[0].

Sample Response:

Pet(category=Category(id=0L, name=u''), status=u'', name=u'', tags=[Tag(id=0L, name=u'')], photoUrls=[u''], id=2)

If you got a 404, try some other petId.

Lets try a POST call

Here we will demonstrate how aiobravado hides all the JSON handling from the user, and makes the code more Pythonic.

Pet = client.get_model('Pet')
Category = client.get_model('Category')
pet = Pet(id=42, name="tommy", category=Category(id=24))
await client.pet.addPet(body=pet).result()

This is too fancy for me! I want a simple dict response!

aiobravado has taken care of that as well. Configure the client to not use models.

from aiobravado.client import SwaggerClient
from aiobravado.fido_client import FidoClient

client = await SwaggerClient.from_url(
    config={'use_models': False}

result = await client.pet.getPetById(petId=42).result(timeout=4)

result will look something like:

    'category': {
        'id': 0L,
        'name': u''
    'id': 2,
    'name': u'',
    'photoUrls': [u''],
    'status': u'',
    'tags': [
        {'id': 0L, 'name': u''}